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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Entryway Basket Rack with Martha Stewart-Craft of the Day

Need a quick spot to temporarily store papers, back packs, coats and winter weather items? You can create this entryway basket rack with fairly easy instructions from Martha Stewart's website today.  You can find baskets like this almost any place these days. I see them on clearance at Ross and Marshall's as well as Target and Ike at reasonable prices.
Click on the title of this blog above to see the featured craft today! She features a different craft everyday.
Our entryway could use a little help....and that dog needs a bath!

Digital Scrapbook Basics with Design House Digital Has Enhanced My Day

     Digital scrapbooking tutorial using Photoshop Elements to create a basic layout.: Design House Digital

"If you're new to Digital Scrapbooking and want to learn exactly where to start, learn the basics by watching this quick video tutorial on how to create a basic layout using Photoshop Elements." - Design House Digital

     Even if you are not so new to digital scrapbooking, like me, you can still get something out of this video! Jen Allyson shows you how to make custom drop shadows which are by far, better than the generic drop shadows built in PSE! It was helpful for me to compare my Photoshop Elements techniques with another persons.

     My friends and I are in the process of putting together our first digital crop with our laptops! I cannot wait. It should not be too difficult since my friends used to plan scrapbooking getaways for a living as Gotta Crop Scrapbook Getaways. Anyways, enjoy the video! Then visit Design House Digital's website for great digital kits, great ideas on their blog and useful tips.  My day is better now that I used a few of the tips in the video on some new creative team pages I created. (click the title of this blog above...a link directly to their site.)

     My little darlings are not at all ready for digital scrapbooking. Here they are, earlier today, scrapbooking with my embellishments I no longer really use! I sure collected a lot of stickers and things which are perfect to accent their pages.
        See what my kids were doing while I was on my laptop enjoying the heck out of my Sunday. If you have children, do they scrapbook? As Jasmine would say, the girls were "doing an art". Any time the girls would like to do something creative, such as coloring, cutting, stamping or card making, they ask if they can "do an art". Even though it does not make sense, I do not correct them because I feel like it is something special that just the three of us know about and do together. Nope, Dad does not "do art"!

     (Three photos above accented with PSE actions- free from Coffee Shop. Return back in a week or two for more instructions. I LOVE photoshop actions! Do you use actions?)

We Tied The Knot

Totally Chic kit by Stacy's Back Door Designs

I still have not ordered my coffee table photo book of my wedding photographs! I am going to hire someone to add bluer sky to a few more of the photos. After many hours of practicing that technique myself, I am still not satisfied with the outcome. I am satisfied with this layout above! I found a knot in the On The Move kit by Stacy too! LOVES IT!