Do you have photos sitting around that have never been placed into an album? These photos are from over three years ago. Jasmine turned four in 2006 and I have never scrapbooked or preserved the images! I am so happy that I finished a page tonight with these older photos.
This page took me just under an hour to complete this one. I gave a long presentation at work today and then rushed the girls (and Dad too) over to their first Girl Scout meeting!
Enjoy! I know Gerry and I enjoyed taking a peek back in time.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of taking too many digital many that you can't ever find time to journal, scrapbook or preserve them.
What do you think about Girl Scouts? Do you have any cute Girl Scout pages that can inspire me? I would like to see them! I am now in charge of scrapbooking the troop's photos!
Also, I have been attempting to post a new layout daily this week. Click on Archive ------------->
to view the other posts! I am still a bit new here to blogging. I hope to have many posts on one page, yet everytime I post a new one, the others disappear to the archive!------------------------->
When I have time, I will fix it....can you tell me how I do that?! Thanks for stopping by.